News from The Neighbors at Dunn County
Below you will find various news highlights at The Neighbors. You will also find pdf versions of our downloadable newsletters if you would like to read the full versions.
Creating Meaningful Visits at the Nursing Home
Nursing home residents can often lose the ability to communicate. This can make families decrease visits to the nursing home because they don’t know what to say or do. Sometimes, just being present can be satisfying. Here are some tips to create the most meaningful visit next time you go […]
Make Moving a Parent to Senior Care Easier
Moving to senior care isn’t as easy as we would like to think. As your loved one is transitioning to a nursing home, your involvement is important to make sure they adjust to their new home. Here are some suggestions that can help the move go well. Planning the Move […]
From the Administrator’s Desk – September 2017
Summer? Where did it go? Kids are going back to school. Autumn is in the air and winter won’t be that far along. As I find myself in the sixth decade of life, I believe time does go faster the older we get, or at least it feels that way. […]
Why Nursing Homes Are a Good Place to Live
It’s an exciting time to be a part of the evolution of healthcare in our country. While it’s anyone’s guess as to what will happen in healthcare reform in the upcoming years, the signs are clear about the direction in which we’re moving: patient-centered care, more sophisticated and better-informed healthcare […]
How Pet Therapy Has Changed Assisted Living
It doesn’t take a scientist to know that pets make humans feel good; anyone who’s ever stroked a dog’s fur or felt a cat’s thrumming purr knows this. Science can, however, tell us how and why pets can be therapeutic. Just 15 minutes bonding with an animal sets off a […]