News from The Neighbors at Dunn County
Below you will find various news highlights at The Neighbors. You will also find pdf versions of our downloadable newsletters if you would like to read the full versions.

New Medicare Numbers & Cards are Coming Soon
CMS (the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) will soon start issuing new Medicare numbers and cards to all of those entitled to Medicare programs. You will receive a new Medicare number/card by April of 2019, as CMS is required to remove social security numbers from cards by that time. […]
March is National Social Work Month
March is National Social Work Month! The national theme for social work month in 2018 is: “Social Workers: Leaders, Advocates, Champions.” Every day the nation’s 650,000 social workers act as advocates, champions and leaders who make our society a better place to live. Social workers are trained to look at […]
From the Community Mentor
Recently, our managers and I reviewed scores, comments and satisfaction levels of the employee satisfaction survey, one of three such satisfaction surveys completed in the latter half of 2017. When we previously completed Resident, Family & Employee Satisfaction surveys in 2015, our scores were high and residents gave us the […]

11 Healthy Hobbies for Seniors
We already know that a healthy lifestyle is a major factor in living a long life, but new studies show that having hobbies and staying socially active is equally important for seniors. It has long been known that a nutritious diet, exercise and positive health choices all contribute to helping seniors feel […]
Improve Your Memory with Superfoods for Brain Health
Alzheimer’s disease and its risk factors are not completely understood, but researchers have found links between compounds in the foods we eat and a decreased rate of Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. In fact, some researchers believe that food and nutrition should be a key focus in the investigation […]