March is National Social Work Month!
The national theme for social work month in 2019 is: “Social Workers: Elevate!”
Social workers touch the lives of millions of people each day, helping them overcome life’s hurdles so they can live to their full potential. Social workers are trained to examine and address life’s problems in a holistic way. They elevate and empower people by giving them the ability to solve problems, cope with personal roadblocks, and get the resources they need to succeed. Social workers also bring together individuals, communities, local and state government, and agencies to address wider problems in our society. This includes lack of affordable housing, hunger, and equal rights for all.
Here at The Neighbors of Dunn County, the Social Services Department is excited to celebrate March as National Social Work Month. Our department is made up of three certified social workers:
- Brenda Ausman has been a social worker here since June of 1987, and was an intern with the social services department before that as well. Brenda is the social worker for our West Neighborhood, as well as Deerview Manor in the Central Neighborhood.
- Tracy Fischer, the department’s director, also serves as the primary social worker for Fireside Manor in the Central Neighborhood. She has worked here since June of 2009.
- Laura Briesemeister is the social worker for the East Neighborhood and Arrowhead Lodge in the Central Neighborhood. Laura has been a social worker here since December of 2013, prior to that she was an intern with the social services department.
Please be sure to wish our social workers a Happy Social Worker’s month in March!