Easter Activities for Seniors with Dementia
Sometimes the long-term memory of seniors with dementia is unaffected, and often they can remember celebrating Easter. Your senior loved one will probably enjoy participating in many different activities to commemorate the holiday and springtime in general. Easter gatherings are a good time for your loved one to reconnect with family and friends and engage in the following activities.
1. Craft Projects
Your loved one may remember some of the craft projects he or she created over the years and might also enjoy doing something with the hands to express his or her creativity. Coloring Easter images with the grandchildren might bring him or her joy, and coloring eggs and helping put together Easter baskets for the children are other simple options that might delight your loved one. Choose basic projects for your loved ones that does not require complicated instructions. Younger family members might also enjoy guiding their grandparents through the steps of the craft project.
Sometimes families are not able to provide seniors with the assistance and support they need. Mesa elder care experts are available to provide high-quality care to seniors on an as-needed basis. From assistance with mobility and exercise to providing transportation to the doctor’s office and social events, there are a variety of ways professional caregivers can help your aging loved one continue to live independently.
2. Religious Services
Seniors are often interested in attending church services on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. The varied timing of the services makes it easier for families to enjoy traditional religious celebrations. Other options for your loved one include attending services at a long-term care facility or a senior community center. If there are musicians and vocalists in the family, they can gather and share their talents with appropriate music and songs. You can also read the Easter story from the Bible or specially selected poems together. The social aspect of participating in a religious service can be stimulating for seniors with dementia.
3. Holiday and Seasonal Symbols
Picking out Easter lilies for your loved one’s home might be a fun activity when visiting a local garden shop. The flower is a symbol of life and hope and has long been associated with the Easter season. Choose seeds or flowering plants to commemorate the beginning of spring. Light candles to represent renewed birth and life. Encourage your loved one to share memories and talk about why Easter is a special time for him or her.
4. Easter Egg Hunt
If your community hosts egg hunts for children, take your senior loved one along. He or she will probably enjoy being outdoors and delight in being around children. Your loved one can follow young children and help them find the eggs. You could also create your own egg hunt at home either indoors or outdoors. Let your loved one help you hide the eggs and reminisce together about past holidays. Combine egg hunting with a walk around the community to see the flowers in bloom.
5. Games
The young and the old often look forward to participating in various types of games. Get some Easter-themed puzzles your loved one might enjoy putting together or print Easter bingo cards and encourage your loved one to play for treats or other prizes. Younger family members could introduce seniors to holiday-themed games on mobile devices, laptops, or game consoles. Children of grade school age and teenagers might enjoy the chance to teach an elderly loved one how to play a certain game. Digital games are also known to stimulate brain activity in seniors with dementia.
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Source: Home Care Assistance