High Hopes For Summer 2021
There have been many changes in the past few months, and we are so pleased that these changes are for the better. We have been able to allow visitors, residents can enjoy dining and enjoying leisurely activities together, and we are getting closer and closer to “normal.”
Previously to the pandemic, we all took so many things for granted, and it is so good to see everyone enjoying all of these things again. As the summer months approach, we are hopeful and optimistic that things will continue to improve.
One of the things that temporarily stopped during the pandemic was annual surveys from the state of Wisconsin. In the last few months, as COVID numbers have decreased and vaccination rates have increased, surveys have resumed again. Our first Neighborhood to receive their annual survey was the East Neighborhood starting on June 1st. We are all very excited to share that the survey went extremely well, and the facility received a citation-free health survey. We are very proud of the East team.
Though all of these changes and a little bit of normalcy are all good news, it is important to remember that we are not fully through this pandemic yet. We still require masks while in the facility for all staff and visitors. We also encourage everyone to follow current CDC guidance related to masks, social distancing, and vaccination. It has been a long and hard year and a half, and we want to thank everyone for their understanding, hard work, and dedication to keeping our residents, staff, families, and our community safe.
Carmen Flunker