Covid-19 Vaccinations
Dear Residents, Families, and Friends of The Neighbors,
As many of you know, The Neighbors received their first round of COVID-19 Vaccinations on Monday, January 4th. The team at The Neighbors is very happy to report that the vaccination clinic went very smoothly. The Walgreens team did an excellent job facilitating our clinic, and we are very grateful for them.
On the first clinic day, 183 individuals received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. From the first dose, there were no significant reactions to the vaccine. There were a few individuals showing mild reactions but most cleared within a day or two. The most common reaction noticed was a sore arm. This also subsided within a few days.
The Neighbors will be having our second vaccination clinic on Monday, February 1st. At this time any individual who received the first dose will be receiving their second dose. It will also be an opportunity for any individual who did not receive the vaccine on January 4th, to receive their first dose of vaccine. The Neighbors are hopeful that we will have additional individuals receiving the vaccine at the second clinic.
There have been many questions about changes at The Neighbors post-vaccination. We are waiting for guidance from our regulatory bodies. Skilled nursing facilities are required to follow both state and federal guidelines. At this point, our regulators have not lessened restrictions or given any notion on when they might consider doing so. We understand and sympathize with all of our families. At this point, we do not want to speculate or make promises about what our regulators will do. We can assure you all that when we know, you all will know.
Due to how new this vaccine is, there are still many unknowns. At this time the ability to transmit the virus, even if the vaccine prevents you from getting sick, is unknown. This is the primary reason for non-pharmaceutical interventions (masks, social distancing, etc.) still needing to be followed. What is known is that the more people that receive the vaccine when they can, the better. Currently, Dunn County is still “in the red zone” for positivity rates; greater than 10%. The Neighbors hope that with more people in our county receiving the vaccine this number will decrease and allow for more flexibility with restrictions.
Though the issuance of the vaccine did not automatically bring us back to pre-pandemic life at The Neighbors, it is a huge step in the right direction. We are so proud of all of our Residents and Staff who took the vaccine and are doing their part in ending the pandemic. We strongly encourage all who can, to get vaccinated, and hopefully, we can end this pandemic together. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Carmen Flunker, Community Mentor / Administrator
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